Public Speaking Quiz 5

Discipline: Communications

Type of Paper: Question-Answer

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 275


Public Speaking Quiz 5

To make for a good delivery, a speaker should be:





A speech comprises of the parts:

  • Body Language(65%)
  • Voice(28%)
  • Verbal Message(7%)

Body Language comprises of:
  • Eye Contact
  • Posture
  • Gestures
  • Composure
  • Space & Movement

The do's of body language in a speech:
  • Descriptive
  • Emphatic
  • Suggestive
  • Prompting

when delivering a speech consider your voice which include:
  • Vocal pauses
  • volume
  • inflections
  • regular pauses
  • pitches
  • rate of speech
  • rhythm                                                                                                                                                                          
  • Vocal Exercises:

    Vocal inflections

    • Variance (poems)

    Content or verbal part of a speech should focus on:

    • Well organized information
    • points supported by your information sources
    • A smooth, well-rehearsed delivery of your material

    Warm up exercises:
    • Articulate your words
    • Control breathing
    • Exercise voice

    Increase volume:

    Resonation: Sound produced by vibrating vocal chords is amplified as it passes through the cavities of the throat, mouth, and nose

    Articulation: The tongue, lips, teeth, palate, and jaw shape the sounds.Enables us to enunciate words clearly and pronounce them correctly.

    What looks best on camera?   Red or a vibrant color

    What to do during a speech:scan the audience

    •                                                               :treat the camera like the audience

    Adapt to audience:
    • Define unfamiliar words
    • Rephrase an idea
    • Add an example or story
    • Use a comparison or contrast

    Styles of speeches

    Extemporaneous (prepared but conversational)
    Impromptu (off the cuff)
    Manuscript (written out speech)
    Memorized (in your head)

    In a speech use metaphors,   similes & personification

    Changes in pitch are called:   inflections

    Forming particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly is called:   Articulation